How to Save and Earn Money Online €€€ is a english version of original blog "Como Poupar e Ganhar Dinheiro €€€" created by ChrisMM7.
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How works a PTC site?
It is very simple, so plainness that we can call of "easy money". Well, you just have to click on ads. PTCs allows you earn some good bucks by surfing the Internet or register for a particular site. How long will it take per day? On average will take 10 minutes a day (or even less) where you can make easy money with unlimited values! Basically, you are not required to visit and click on the sites every day, but much more you click higher should be your profits. But nothing is perfect.
What are referrals? Referrals are somebody was referred by you to join the PTC website. Is mainly have some refers cause as usually you may earn 10% (commission) than they win. So imagine... they earn € 1 per month, you earn 10 cents, but if you have made 100 or 200 above... how much you can earn? I don't know. You choose!
How can receive my money from PTC sites?
Each PTC has a minimum payment, which will be deposited on your online bank account. The most commonly used and safe online bank is PayPal and AlertPay (Payza). Starting from these sites you can buy online or transfer your funds to a not-online bank account.
Hummm... I'll be a millionaire in 2 or 4 days?

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